Monday, April 20, 2009


A copied picture from my new class. I wish I knew who did this originally, but I don't. I used a limited palette to paint this, the colors were Cadmium Yellow light, cad. red light, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, viridian and white. And they were water mixable oils, which was something new for me. The class has about 2 hours painting time, and I raced to finish it just before time was up.


Stapleton Kearns said...

Hello Christine;

Your picture is I believe, a copy after Paul Strisik. I haven't looked it up and found that image but it certainly looks like his work. He was a Rockport Ma. painter who died about 10 years ago. I knew him.


Christine Walker said...

This is a link to Paul Strisik's website:
It's wonderful that you found the original artist...... he is fabulous!!


Its Spring!

I found these in a garden center, nestled in the Astilbe.