Monday, April 19, 2010

Table top

This is a really small picture 8x10 inches(20x25 cm). not quite finished, but I have been working on a project ... a secret project!!... and I thought I wanted to post something between now and the time I show everyone what else I have been doing. It shouldn't be long ... a week or two at the most.


$75.00 + shipping


Backstreeter said...

Do you ever sell on Ebay?

Christine Walker said...

I don't sell on ebay on a regular basis, I just haven't had a lot of luck. If you are interested in something, just let me know and I'll put it up on ebay, or etsy, which ever you prefer. I think I am getting a website, but for the moment... its ebay/etsy all the way!

Backstreeter said...

I like this one. Ebay is best. Hopefully I can get to your ebay from Uk ebay. Hope I don't have to be a millionaire to buy your work. No idea about postage to the UK.

elijebrg said...

Could'nt sleep, got up early, found the link to your blog from Stapelton's and have thoroughly enjoyed your wit, talent and "world" beginning to end. Thank you

Christine Walker said...

Hi Backstreeter,
I am selling it for 75.00 dollars, which I think translates to about 50 pounds. I have to finish it first, but I will let you know when I post it. I just ran across a blogspot blog that has paypal right on it. I'm going to look into that.....

Christine Walker said...

Hi, Elijeberg,
Glad you enjoyed the blog. Hope you catch more zzzz's tonight,

Allison said...

hey that's lovely.


Christine Walker said...

Thanks, Allison!

Christine Walker said...

I added a Paypal button to the post, its more direct, and it actually does work! I am so proud of that.

Its Spring!

I found these in a garden center, nestled in the Astilbe.